Eid al-Adha 2020 Special: Divisions of Islam Part-4

Eid al-Adha 2020 Special: Divisions of Islam Part-4

This is the part-4 of Islamic communities

Sunni Bohra

A group of business communities of Muslims in Sindh province of Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Pakistan is known as Bohra. Bohras are both Shia and Sunni.

Sunni Bohra follows Hanafi Islamic law, while Dawoodi Bohra, culturally, is close to the Shia community.


A community of Muslims who follow Hanafi Islamic law calls themselves Ahmadiyya. This community was founded by Mirza Ghulam Ahmed in Qadian in Indian Punjab.

The followers of this community believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad himself was an incarnation of the prophet.

According to him, he himself did not bring any new Sharia but is following the Sharia of Prophet Mohammad but he holds the status of a prophet. Almost all the communities of Muslims agree that after Muhammad Saheb, the chain of messengers sent to the world from Allah has ended.

But Ahmadis believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was such a reformer who holds the status of a prophet.

The differences are so severe that a large section of Muslims does not consider Ahmadis as Muslims. Although India, Pakistan, and Britain have a significant number of Ahmadis.

In Pakistan, Ahmadis have been officially dismissed from Islam.


The religious beliefs and Islamic law of Shia Muslims are quite different from the Sunnis. They do not support appointing a caliph after Prophet Mohammad, but a supporter of appointing Imam.

They believe that after the death of Prophet Mohammad, his real successor was his son-in-law Hazrat Ali. According to him, Prophet Mohammad had also declared Ali as his heir, but by deceit, Hazrat Abu-Bakr was chosen as the leader.

Shia Muslims do not consider the first three Caliphs after Mohammed as their leaders but call them Ghasib. Ghasib is an Arabic word meaning grabber.

They believe that Allah had sent Mohammed Saheb as their prophet, in the same way, Ali was appointed as Imam or Nabi by Allah and then Imams continued to be an Imam from his generations or children.

Later, the Shias were also divided into many sections.

Isna ashari

Like the Sunnis, there are many sects among the Shias as well, but the largest group is the Isna Ashari i.e. the group that considers the twelve Imams. About 75 percent of the world's Shia belong to this group. The Kalma of the Isna Ashari community is different from that of the Sunnis.

His first Imam is Hazrat Ali and the last is the twelfth Imam Zamana i.e. Imam Mahdi. They believe in Allah, the Quran and Hadiths, but only those hadiths which have come through their Imams.

Nahjul Balaga and Alqafi are their important religious books based on Ali's sermon after the Quran. This section believes in Jafaria according to Islamic religious law. In most countries of the world including Iran, Iraq, India, and Pakistan, the Isna Ashari Shia community dominates.

To be continued....


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