Eid al Adha 2020 special - Islam : History & some important facts

Eid al-Adha 2020 special

Islam Facts

Eid al-Adha 2020
Eid al-Adha
  • Islam is a monotheistic religion, which is founded on the teachings of the Quran, the last divine book brought by Allah from Allah to the last Rasul and prophet, Muhammad. 
  • The word Islam means: 'Surrender to Allah'. Thus, a Muslim is one who has dedicated himself to Allah. That is, Islam started following the rules of religion. 
  • The basic principle of the religion of Islam is to consider Allah the Almighty, the only God and foster of the world, and Hazrat Muhammad as their messenger or prophet. The same thing is repeated in his 'Kalma': 'La Ilaha Illaallah Muhammadurrasulullah'. That is, 'Allah is one, there is no other (other authority) than him and Muhammad is his Rasul or Prophet.'
  • The founder of the religion of Islam was Hazrat Muhammad.
  • Hazrat Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 AD.
  • Hazrat Muhammad attained enlightenment in a cave named Heera near Mecca in 610 AD.
  • The Prophet's journey from Mecca to Medina is known as the Muslim era in the world of Islam.
  • Hazrat Muhammad was married at the age of 25 to a widow named Khadija.
  • Hazrat Muhammad's daughter's name is Fatima and son-in-law's name is Ali Hussain.
  • The angel Gabriel communicated the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad in Arabic.
  • The Quran is the holy book of the religion of Islam.
  • Prophet Muhammad preached the teachings of the Quran.
  • Hazrat Muhammad died on 8 June 632 AD. He was buried in Medina.
  • After the death of Hazrat Muhammad, Islam was divided into two sections - Shia and Sunni.
  • Sunnis are those who believe in Sunna. Sunna is a description of the statements and actions of Hazrat Muhammad.
  • The Shias believe in Ali's teachings and consider him the successor of Hazrat Muhammad. Ali was the son-in-law of Hazrat Muhammad.
  • Ali was assassinated in 661 AD. Ali's son Hussain was killed in 680 in Karbala. These killings gave Shia a definitive view.
  • The successor of Hazrat Muhammad was called Khalifa.
  • The post of Caliph in the Islamic world continued until 1924 AD. In 1924 it was abolished by the Turkish ruler Mustafa Kamalpasha.
  • Ibn Ishaq first wrote the life character of Hazrat Muhammad.
  • Hazrat Muhammad's birthday is celebrated as Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi.


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