Eid al-Adha 2020 Special: Divisions of Islam Part-5

Eid al-Adha 2020 Special: Divisions/Communities of Islam Part-5

This is the final part of divisions of Muslim communities


The second major sectarian group of Shias is the Zaidiya, who believe in only five Imams, instead of twelve. Its four first Imams are of Isna Ashari Shiites but the fifth and last Imam is Hussein's (son of Hazrat Ali) grandson of Zaid bin Ali, due to which he is called Zaidiya.

Their Islamic laws have been taken from a book by Zaid bin Ali, 'Majmoul Fiqh'. Muslims living in the Middle East of Yemen are of the Zaidiya community.

Ismaili Shia

This community of Shiites considers only seven Imams and their last Imam is Mohammed bin Ismail and for this reason, they are called Ismaili. They had a dispute with Isna Ashari Shias on who would be their next Imam after Imam Jaffer Sadiq, whether it be his eldest son Ismail bin Jaffer or another son.

The Isna Ashari group considered the second son of Jaffer Sadiq, Musa Kazim as the Imam and from here the two groups were formed. In this way, the Ismailis considered their seventh Imam Ismail bin Jaffer. His Fiqh and some beliefs are also different from those of Isna Ashari.

Dawoodi Bohra 

A group of Bohra, called Dawoodi Bohra, believe in Ismaili Shia Fiqh and is firm on this belief. The difference is that Dawoodi Bohra considers 21 Imams.

His last Imam was Tayeb Abul Qasim followed by the tradition of spiritual gurus. They are called Dai and by this comparison, the 52nd Dai was Syedna Burhanuddin Rabbani. After the death of Rabbani in 2014, his two sons had a succession dispute and now the matter is in court.

Bohras are found in the western region of India, especially in Gujarat and Maharashtra, while they are also present in Pakistan and Yemen. They are a successful business community with a section of Sunni also.


Khoja is a business community in Gujarat that accepted Islam a few centuries ago. The people of this community believe in both Sunni and Shia Islam.

Most Khojas follow the religious law of Ismaili Shia, but a large number of Khoja also belong to Isna Ashari Shias.

But some Khoja also believe in Sunni Islam. A large section of this community is found in Gujarat and Maharashtra. They are also inhabited in East African countries.


This section of Shiites is found in various regions of Syria and the Middle East. They are also known as Alavi. Most people of Syria who follow them are Shia.

This community believes that Ali actually came into the world as an incarnation of God. Their fiqh is ​​in Issna Ashari but there is a difference of beliefs. Nussairi also believes in rebirth and some rituals of Christians are also a part of their religion.

Apart from all this, there are many small sections in Islam.


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