Eid al-Adha 2020 Special: Divisions of Islam Part-3

Eid al-Adha 2020 Special: Divisions/Communities of Islam Part-3

This is the part-3 of Eid al-Adha 2020 special: Divisions or Communities of Islam.


Shafai is the disciple of Imam Malik and the third chief Imam of Sunnis. A large section of Muslims follows their stated paths, which mostly live in Middle East Asia and African countries.

It is not very different from others in the matter of faith but it is different from Hanafi Fiqh based on Islamic methods. His followers also believe that it is important to follow the Imam.


In Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Middle East, and many African countries too, Muslims follow Imam Hambal's Fiqh and they call themselves Hambali.

Saudi Arabia's official Shari'a is based on the religious laws of Imam Hambal. His followers say that his method is closer to the hadiths.

Muslims who believe in these four Imams believe that following their Imams is necessary to follow the Sharia.

Salfi, Wahabi and Ahle Hadith

There is a group among the Sunnis who do not agree to follow a particular Imam and say that to understand the Shariah and follow it properly, study the Quran and Hadith (words spoken by Prophet Mohammad) directly needed.

This community is known as Sulfi and Ahle-Hadith and Wahabi etc. This section values the knowledge of the four Imams, their research studies, and their literature.

But he says that following one of these Imams is not mandatory. According to their Quran and Hadith, the practice of that is correct, but in any controversial thing, the final decision should be believed in the Quran and Hadith.

The Salfi group says that it wants to promote Islam that was in the time of Prophet Mohammad. To promote this thinking, Sehra is tied on the head of Ibne Taymiyya (1263–1328) and Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab (1703–1792) and the community is also known as Wahabi, in the name of Abdul Wahab.

Most Islamic scholars in the Middle East are more influenced by his ideology. One thing about this group is very famous that it is communally extremely radical and very fanatical in religious matters.

Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was also a supporter of the Salfi ideology.

To be continued...


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